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Family Ministries NZ is one of the few YWAM bases in the world that strives to provide a conducive environment for families to learn and grow. One of the facilities that we provide is childcare for our students' children during daytime lectures and workshops.

6 Months - 5 Years

We have facilities and staff to cater to children from 6 months to 5 years old. Each staff person looks after up to four children. The Crèche staff are all volunteers and will differ from school to school. If your child needs one-on-one adult care, we ask you to provide your own nanny. Crèche staff will not be available to attend to children in the students' units.

5 Years and above

Children that are 5 years and older from Australia or New Zealand or those whose parents are in New Zealand on a Work Permit can opt to go to a local public schools or a Christian school in Matamata town (See links below)

For non-Australian/New Zealand citizens, children that are 5 years and above can join our Crystal Springs Base School for supervision. They will need to bring their school work with them and will be supervised by a staff person in the Base School room.

What does a normal day at the creche look like?

The creche program varies each school depending on the staff and program, but a normal day could include the following:

8:20 - Children are dropped off at the creche

8:30 - 9:30 - Outdoor play

10:30 - 11:00 Morning Tea

11:00 Story telling, singing

12:20 - Parents pick up-time and Lunch

1.50 pm - Children are dropped off at the creche

2:00 – 3:15 - Outdoor play, children picked up at 3:15 pm

What to bring to Creche

It is a good idea to bring a small bag with the following items in it for your child if joining the Creche, such as:

  • Sunscreen
  • Hat
  • Shoes for outside play
  • Water bottle with your child's name on it
  • Spare nappies and wipes
  • Towel and swimmers for any water activities
  • A spare change of clothes should this be needed

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